Anita Rapan Papeša (Gradski muzej Vinkovci) i Pia Šmalcelj Novaković, suradnice na projektu, održale su predavanje na konferenciji Europske asocijacije arheologa (European Archaeological Association), ove godine održane u Budimpešti od 31.8.-3.9. 2022.
Predavanje o zvjezdolikim naušnicama pod naslovom “Make me one of these” održano je u sklopu sesije 250: From Local to Microregional and Beyond: Spatial Structures in and around the Early Medieval Carpathian Basin, posvećenoj avarskoj arheologiji. Predavanje je bilo uspješno, a bilo je vrlo zanimljivo vidjeti napredak i nova istraživanja naših kolega, osobito po pitanju novih procesa primijećenih u perifernom području Kaganata. Slobodno smo vrijeme iskoristili za posjet Magyar Nemzeti muzeju, kako bi uživo vidjeli legendarne nalaze avarskoga doba iz Mađarske.
Sažetak predavanja na engleskom: If we leave elite Late Avar period warrior burials aside what story can be told from female perspective? Repertory of finds from Late Avar period female graves is rather modest, therefore every little exception makes a difference. Female graves are often considered to be reflection of their male equivalents and luxurious objects are symbols of stable economy. One of such finds are crescent shaped lunular earrings which have not been in focus since the last one dealing with those being Z. Čilinská in the last century. Crescent shaped lunular earrings with star shaped pendant occur on several Avar period sites in Croatia, both in graves as well as surface finds. We can distinguish two types: top notch specimens made in silver or bronze and casted bronze imitations. High quality products must have been made in a very well organized workshop; imitations could have been local products. Possible existence of a highly specialized workshop raises the question of the role of the microregion in 8th century Khaganate.