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Roads and rivers, pots and potters in Pannonia

Interactions, analogies and differences

11 – 12 November  2019

Zagreb – Sisak

Round table

Dear colleague,

We are pleased to announce the organization of a round table in Zagreb and Sisak that will be held from 11th to 12th November  2019. The main topic of the meeting is Pannonian slipped ware/ Pannonische Glanztonware so we are inviting to participate as a lecturer. On this occasion, we will try to explore the various aspects of this group of pottery and to discuss problems, distribution patterns and differences between regions. The first day of the program be held at the Institue of archaeology in Zagreb. The second day will take place in Sisak where we will be able to hear about the newest finds from excavations and to see the pottery in the Museum.

The idea of this meeting is also to form a more connected group of pottery specialists in the region.

There will be no registration fee, organizers will provide food/refreshments. Also, if needed, transportation from Zagreb to Sisak.

We kindly ask you to confirm your attendance to email  and to provide us with a summary untill 27 th September 2019.

On behalf of the organizing committee:

                                                                                   Ivana Ožanić Roguljić

Follow the link for detailed program and book of abstracts

Also you can download program and book of abstracts in pdf format (right click/save as)

You can download the invitation HERE

Poster for the “Roads and rivers, pots and potters in Pannonia”


Plakat life on the roman road


Project Life on the Roman Road

Study group for Roman pottery by Institute of archaeology (Zagreb)

City Museum Sisak

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