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Eppur si vede: The Results of Remote Sensing and Field Survey of Dragojlov Brijeg (Croatia), Roman Military Site

Novi znanstveni rad voditeljice projekta Ivane Ožanić Roguljić i vanjskih suradnika Hrvoja Kalafatića i Bartula Šiljega pod naslovom 2021,

Eppur si vede: The Results of Remote Sensing and Field Survey of Dragojlov Brijeg (Croatia), Roman Military Site

objavljen je u znanstvenim časopisu Archaeologia Bulgarica ХХV 2021 #2


This paper presents the results of the field survey and remote sensing of the area around the well-known Roman fort with the Croatian part of the Danube limes, Dragojlov brijeg, in Baranja. Until now, Roman enclosures had not been detected through aerial surveys of this region. New surveillance has revealed a fort, road and several extramural enclosures in the surrounding area of the fort. The pottery found during the field survey of the extramural enclosure dates it to between 2nd and beginning 4th c. AD.

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