Novi rad Pije Šmalcelj Novaković, članak
What are they doing here? Raceme type earrings with elongated pendant/Traubenohrringe mit ährenförmiger Anordnung at the Late avar age site Privlaka- Gole njive
dostupan je na stranici projekta. Objavljen je u sklopu Zbornika Institua za Arheologiju (ZIA), broj 14, 2020. Riječ je o člank nastalom na temelju predavanja održanom na 5. Međunarodnoj znanstvenoj konferencji srednjovjekovne arheologije
Life and Death in Mediaeval and Early Modern Times, održanoj u organizaciji Instituta za Arheologiju 2018. godine.
Sažetak rada:
Excavation of the Late Avar cemetery at Privlaka – Gole njive started in 1973,more than 40 years ago. To this day this is the largest exca- vated LateAvar cemetery inCroatia (230 excavated graveswith 3 cemetery boundaries known). The results of the excavation have never been fully published. In this article we conduct a short (p)review of the results of the typological analysis of earrings from the site, with special focus on raceme type earrings with an elongated pendant. They appear in group of graves that stands out from the rest of the cemetery due to its location and repertoire of finds. Furthermore in this article we discuss what might be the cause for the appearance of earrings typical for Great Moravian
and Early Croatian horizon at a Late Avar age cemetery.