Novi znanstveni rad nastao zajedničkim snagama vanjske suradnice na
projektu Kelly Reed i voditeljice projekta Ivane Ožanić Roguljić izašao je
u online časopisu Open Archaeology, Volume 6: Issue 1.
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Sažetak članka.

Food is an excellent medium through which to explore trade, economies,
migration and landscapes, yet little is known about food production and
consumption in the Roman province of Pannonia. Here we explore the
current evidence for agriculture, trade and diet in southern Pannonia
(modern day eastern Croatia) and what this may say about life in the
region. The influx of new ‘exotic’ foods and technologies had
a profound influence on this region. The limited archaeobotanical data
suggests complex trade and
local agricultural systems that allowed large towns such as Mursa, Cibalae
and Siscia to gain access to a wide range of food items. The large
quantities of pottery found not only helps us understand traded goods
but also the local tastes and fashions, as well as to infer the types of
dishes that could have been cooked. More evidence is clearly needed in
this region but what we can see so far is that urban centres along the
Danube Limes were firmly integrated within the wider Roman food system and
that diets were probably quite varied for many who lived there.